A New Message
The second Warframe ARG begins with a cryptic Facebook post.
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The second Warframe ARG begins with a cryptic Facebook post.
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This site contains spoilers for story content up until the end of The New War.
Information for this page is collected from numerous sources. Links to these sources will be provided at the end of this document.
Any important "broadcasts", "logs" or "Data files" that have been discovered so far can easily be found by visiting wrfr.me/sos
During this period in time, a number of Warframe Content creators received packages containing promotional items for the Angels of the Zariman update.
Out of these items, one cardboard cutout caught the eyes of many; A portrait of Albrecht Entrati. This portrait is identical to the one that can be found in the Tenno classroom in The New War.
One thing of note is the "M77" inscribed on the mask at the base of his right arm:
The "M77" is a reference to galaxy Messier 77, which can be found within the Cetus constellation.
The official Warframe Facebook account posts an image together with binary code:
Catch up on all the exciting anno01110100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00111111
The text at the beginning, together with the binary code translates to the following:
Catch up on all the exciting anno-testing testing is anyone getting this?
A new category and channel are opened up in the official Play Warframe Discord. The category name, a hexadecimal value (706c656173652068656c70), can be translated to "please help".
Inside of the category, two channels are available:
#unidentified-signal - A announcement channel where bits and pieces of new information is posted at uneven intervals
#open-comms - A standard channel open to the public, seemingly to direct all discussion regarding the ARG into one place.
Once this new category has been unveiled, a 2:20 long MP3 file with the name "dGltZSBpcyBydW5uaW5nIG91dA.Mp3" was unveiled. The name of the file, a Base64 string, can be decoded into the following: "time is running out"
The audio does not reveal anything when listening to it normally, but if you look at a pictogram of the file, a new message is revealed:
Later the same day, a second file was sent in #unidentified-signal, this time a WAV-file with the same length as the MP3-file, but with a different name; "cGxlYXNlcGxlYXNlcGxlYXNl.wav" once again a Base64 string. Once decoded, the title states "pleasepleaseplease".
The audio from these files seems to originate from The Eerie Sounds Of Saturn.
Checking this file out through a spectogram does not reveal anything of interest.
Audible sounds of file 2 are the same as the radiowaves captured by the cassini spacecraft (compressed and shifted to give a audible audio output) when passing the planet Saturn. The only difference being the “fog” in the first 21 seconds of the file. The fog in file 2 contains audio above 2500 Hz, <1dB
A new video was posted on the @playwarframe account, depicting glitches and a series of hexadecimal values flashing:
Once these hexadecimal values were converted into ASCII-text, yet another message could be read:
Jacked the signal up to try and punch through it but cant even be sure these broadcasts are reaching the right ears let alone the right dimension
Using the program Deepsound, user PinksAreOverrated#3450 in the official Warframe Discord discovered that a text file was hidden and locked behind a password inside of the WAV-file.
PinksAreOverrated — Wednesday, 20 April at 21:05
Uh, guys, this might be nothing, and hopefully this is a weird coincidence but I think I found something? I came across this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtR28axenOQ about a software used to hide txt files, decided to install it and upload the wav DE uploaded
it is asking for a password
The process used for this was steganography encrypted in AES256. The password that was used to successfully unlock the file was "Saturn".
Once unveiled, the hidden file turned out to contain the following message repeated over 2610 times:
picking up some strange feedback a response maybe hello is anyone getting this hello if you can hear this im trying to push through the albrecht membrane but i need more time please dont leave me
A new post made by the user "UnidentifiedSignal" was discovered on the Warframe Forum, with the title of:
01101001 01101101 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101111 01110011 01100101
Once converted from binary, the title reads "im so close".
The post itself was short, containing only the following:
The post contents turned out to be a rail fence cipher with 3 rails, and once decoded, read:
A new post once again appeared in #unidentified-signal. A message consisting of a binary string, excluding spaces, was included alongside the MP4-file.
The message, once spaces have been added at appropriate intervals and converted to ASCII, turned out to be a set of hexadecimal values:
73 6F 6D 65 74 68 69 6E 67 73 20 63 6F 6D 65 20 75 70 20 64 6F 6E 74 20 77 61 69 74 20 75 70 20 66 6F 72 20 6D 65
Taking these hexadecimal values, and once again converting to ASCII, the following sentence is discovered:
somethings come up dont wait up for me
The video itself seems to be identical to the one that was played at the end of Prime Time #305.
Below you can find a transcript of the message (Courtesy of kiwi#6789 in the ARGrakata Discord):
As the video suggested, a different outlet was used. This time it was a tweet. A picture was posted alongside yet another Base64 string.
The Base64 string, once decoded says
okay I think I got the hang of this lets try something with a little more breathing room
A QR code has been split into four parts and moved into the four corners of the image. Once these parts have been spliced together, the code turned out to be a link to a fresh TikTok account for Warframe.
On this TikTok account, a single video could initially be seen, below you'll find a transcript for it:
During this time, it was discovered that the Twitch-account unidentifiedsignal had it's description changed, to include another Base64 string. Decoding this string reveals a link to an image found on the ImageBB service. The image itself is similar to the one attached to the first tweet, but with visible artifacts. The image was titled "th3ys1ng1s1ngw34lls1ngt0g3th3r.jpg".
Looking at this image inside of a text editor, 4 distinct sections can be found depicting the Zariman mission logo, each accompanied by binary values.
These binary values, once retrieved could in turn be used to solve a XOR cipher, which user oolgorboid#7353 in the official Warframe Discord created a perl-script for:
This script in turn provides the following as a solution:
We shall0Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10 not fear0Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10 to take10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10 the leap0Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10
Once a video was recorded as a response to the first TikTok video with the password, a second TikTok video promptly appeared:
This video was shortly thereafter followed up with a third TikTok video:
As noted in the third TikTok, the "cracked" file was then uploaded to the official Warframe account on YouTube. This seems to be the same video that could be heard at the beginning of the third TikTok:
In the description of the uploaded video, a link can be found, redirecting to a news article on the Warframe website, containing links to "broadcasts, logs and data files" that have been discovered so far, together with an invite to the official Warframe Discord as well as the following message:
22.04.2022.16.56: Sorry I’ve been so hard to reach. I'll explain more later, I promise. This channel seems stable for now, so I’m going to use it to store any of the files you’ve recovered. If you’re lost and need to catch up, start by reviewing those. I’ll message you soon.
Right at noon on saturday, the Twitch account unidentifiedsignal goes live, displaying a countdown for 1 day and 23 hours. Nothing else notable happens with the account at this time.
7 minutes after the Twitch stream started, a second ARG-related post was published on Facebook. The attached image depicts the symbol Khra (time), which can be best associated with the parazon mod of the same name.
The description of the post reads the following:
Angels of the Zarima56275686779727566756028636271656370276E69667F6D602075656B602F64702566716860256D60276E69646E6966602D656864702B63796270247E61636
Taking the contents of the description past "Zarima", and reversing the order of the characters, the string becomes a set of valid hexadecimal values, which presents the following message:
cant risk them finding me have to keep moving search everywhere
Lowering the light levels of the image, shows the phrase "We end as we begin", which can be found in the description of the parazon mod:
unidentifiedsignal's Twitch stream was suddenly broadcasting noises, seemingly depicting whale calls.
At the same time, the description for the account has been changed to a new Base64 string:
Once decoded, the description reads to an image of the real-world Cetus star constellation.
Roughly an hour after the Twitch stream began with the countdown, an in-game account on PC by the name of "Unidentified-Signal" sent out a messages in Cetus containing the following Base64 string:
Once decoded, it leads to a new website, weendaswebegan.com. The website is modeled after a past version of the official Warframe website from 2013.
As part of the website, a small embed is shown, containing a short, unlisted YouTube video titled "nosleepforthedead" uploaded to the official PlayWarframe channel:
Other than that, the website also contains a news post that is seemingly out of place. It was also discovered that the post had a mirrored version when checking the PS4 news on the website, where the content is displayed in a readable format.
The news post contains a simple interactive box containing text. This is the start of a story dubbed "The Mirror Queen":
Re-inverting the contents of this news-post, the following message can be read:
In a land to the West, beyond the great Azure Sea, there lived a beautiful Princess. Her black hair shimmered like starlight over a winter lake, and she passed the hours of each day by admiring it from the countless reflections that surrounded her.
For this Princess lived in a palace of mirrors.
The phrase "a palace of mirrors" was highlighted, and once pressed would lead onto the next part of the story. Part of the text was also flipped upside down:
For the rest of this story, only converted parts will be shown. Bold text within these excerpts signify a link, which would forward you onto the next part of the story once clicked on the website.
The rest of the story is rather lengthy, and does not provide any meaningful information for progressing with the ARG itself. If you'd like to read the rest of this story, expand the block below to get all converted parts.
Apart from the story shown above, clicking on any of the other available links within the page, there is a high possibility that you will be sent to yet another page that is seemingly out of place, presenting a set of binary values. These values could very depending on the link you clicked:
It was later discovered that putting all of these binary values together, and inverting the 0's and 1's, the following set could then be decoded into ASCII art of a set of Grineer letters:
Transcoding these from Grineer, the URL wrfr.me/yclnv was presented. This URL led to the second part of a split zip-file:
Checking the source of the numerous sub-pages of the website, it was discovered that the Zariman mission logo appears frequently in the source, and is accompanied by even more binary values and quotes on numerous sub-pages.
Taking all of the binary values and their accompanying quotes, the following can be gathered:
By the Glory and Wisdom of the Seven: 01011100 01011100 01011011 00001011 01010010 01000101 01000101 00001110 01011001 01100101 01011111 00001100 01010010 01010000 00010011 01000000 00011010 01000011
I give my life to carry: 01100011 00010101 01011110 00101001 00010011 01001010 00000000 01010010 00001110 01000001 01100110 00010011 00011000 00000000 01001010 00010100 00011101 01011010
The sacred light of our dominion: 01111111 00001100 00001100 01000000 01111101 00011011 00011010 00010110 00000100 00000100 00101000 00010110 00010011 00000011 00000100 00010101 01011001 00010101
Into the deepest dark: 00011111 00001011 00011010 00001111 01011110 00010111 01101110 01111010 00100111 01101000 00011111 00011001 01100000 00000100 00011001 00010110 00001110 00011011
In this... we are one: 01011001 01110100 01010110 00010111 00001101 00010010 01000110 01010010 01000110 01001000 01011010
The ambient sound broadcasting from unidentifiedsignal's Twitch stream has changed. The sound is still similar to that of Whale calls, but is distinctly different from the first set.
The channel description has also changed. Yet another Base64 value is presented:
Once decoded, the new description provides a link to a post on the NI forums, where a double XOR cipher is discussed, giving a hint to the userbase what is needed to solve the next step of the ARG.
User oolgorboid#7353 has once again managed to solve the XOR cipher provided, by taking the key "ORXVKL" that was provided in the source of the homepage for weendaswebegan.com as the first key, followed by solving each set of binary values with their corresponding poem excerpts:
This code in turn resulted in the following solution, providing a URL leading to the first part of the 7-zip archive:
% ./z200.pl htups://weendasweb egan.com/7A6172696 D616E66696C6564726 97665/IM_Z10_324e3 _H.5.7z.001
Once both of these zip-files are put into the same folder, you can attempt to open them, but they are password-protected.
User PnkRabbit#8580 on the official Warframe Discord reveals that the password turns out to be "LXJVRFNK", which consists of the first letter of each requiem in the order of the Requiem poem:
Lohk is a poem formed by the other Requiems Mods except Oull, in the order of: Lohk - Xata - Jahu - Vome - Ris - Fass - Netra - Khra. This is also the order in which they are appear in Requiem Relics.
Once open, the archive reveals a set of three PDFs, seemingly representing three distinct messages from a character named Axiom, to someone named Hombask:
The images below are screenshots of the discovered PDFs. If you want the PDFs in their original form, visit the Resources page, where they have been uploaded.
A scream was suddenly played on the Twitch stream, but seemingly nothing else happens. Nothing else seems to change on the page. It was noted by the Twitch user SillySerbian that the scream ended at 1:01:10:10, which when converted from binary turns into the letter "Z".
Simultaneously, a fourth TikTok was uploaded to the @playwarframe account:
The file mentioned in this TikTok has been uploaded to the same site that was linked in the first YouTube video. Reading through the contents, a new message can be found:
24.04.2022.9.55: Sorry to disappear like that. Found this in the same directory as our encrypted file, thought you might want to see. I've updated the repository with all the files you've found too.
The message initially includes a link, but the attached file can not be opened once downloaded. The file is apparently corrupted. Shortly thereafter a second message can be seen on the page:
24.04.2022.10.05: Hold on. Something isn’t right. Looks like Void Contamination is corrupting the file. I'm pulling the files until I can sort this out. Sit tight.
Below these messages, the "Broadcast" and "Data Files" entries have been updated. The fourth TikTok video is now linked under "Broadcasts", and the three PDF files discovered in the 7z archive have been put under "Data Files".
Approximately 25 minutes after the last message, yet another one is uploaded to the page:
24.04.2022.10.30: Okay I did some investigating. It looks like the tunnel I’m using to transmit these files to you is decaying—but it’s happening on your end not mine. I triple checked.
I don’t know if I can explain this in layperson’s terms, but this bridge I’ve created mirrors the frequencies found in some of this Void Contamination. There’s plenty on my end. Too much, if I’m being honest. But we need more on your end to stabilize the connection or we risk losing contact. We can’t let that happen. Listen carefully: We need to ramp up the Void Contamination on your end. By a lot. If my calculations are correct, we’d need somewhere around 10,000,000 Void Traces to do that. I know that seems like an impossible number, but I believe in you. You’ve been unstoppable so far.
Get the word out. Gather allies, and get as many Void Traces as you can. Once you have them, I need you to all gather in one place. I’ll let you decide where that is. That should create enough concentrated Void Contamination to stabilize the bridge.
Get working and I’ll update you on your progress when I can.
This message notifies that a common goal has been set for all players to gather a total of 10,000,000 void traces in-game in order to be able to progress further.
Almost 4 hours after the latest message on the information page, the following tweet has been sent out:
==ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION RECEIVED== We've collected over half of the Void Traces we need to stabilize the broadcast frequency. But we still need so more or I won't be able to send you more files. Keep going! http://wrfr.me/sos ==ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION END==
At this point, the 10,000,000 void trace goal has reached 50% (>5,000,000 void traces collected). A similar message was also uploaded to the information page:
24.04.2022.14.16: You're doing it! The bridge is stabilizing! We've collected just over half of the Void Traces we need, according to my calculations. Keep going. Spread the word! Gather all the allies you can. We're so close.
The description for unidentifiedsignal's Twitch stream changes once again. This time there is no clue or new step to the ARG, but rather reiterating what was said on the information page:
The Zariman data archives are on the verge of corruption. This is our last chance. These people are friends, they can help you: https://discord.gg/playwarframe Go to #open-comms channel.
Around 5,5 hours after collection of void traces began, the process has been apparently completed. The tweet is now telling players to find a place to gather together and await further instructions:
===ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION RECEIVED=== I’ve redone my calculations and I think we have all the Void Traces we need. Work with your allies to find a place you can all gather and wait for my update. Hopefully this works. ===ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION END===
Checking out the information page, the same message can be found:
23.04.2022:16.01: I’ve redone my calculations and I think we have all the Void Traces we need. Work with your allies to find a place you can all gather and wait for my update. Hopefully this works.
14 minutes after the third tweet, a fourth one was sent out, acknowledging the success of the community goal. The once corrupted file is now freely available:
===ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION RECEIVED=== It worked! The files should be in the repository located here: http://wrfr.me/sos
Remember, we still need that password! When you find it, recite it to me here: https://wrfr.me/z10 ===ZARIMAN TRANSMISSION END===
Checking through the information page, yet another message is now available:
24.04.2022.16.37: I can’t believe it worked! I’ve transmitted the files! Don’t celebrate yet, though. We still need that password for the audio log. Remember, find it and then recite it to this broadcast so I can take your audio and feed it into the computer.
Two new PDF files are now available, IM_Z10_443D2_S.2-494.pdf and IM_Z10_923A4_S.5-059.pdf.
These PDF-files can be found in the Resources page. Below you'll find screenshots of these for easier viewing.
Inside of the two PDFs, the term "ACROSS THE GULF TO FARE" can be found hidden among the content. Taking this phrase, and responding to the fourth TikTok video with it, a fifth TikTok was posted:
Shortly after this TikTok was posted, unidentifiedsignal's Twitch suddenly switched over from it's countdown, and began playing a second log video. This log was simultaneously uploaded to YouTube, linked on the information page and mentioned in a tweet by @PlayWarframe:
The progression has slowed down for now. Apart from the countdown on unidentifiedsignal's Twitch stream, nothing has happened for an extended duration, apart from these three messages that have been sent in the span of 5 minutes on the information page:
24.04.2022.23.05: So many gaps. I see these flashes. Screaming, violence, the sound of my name echoing through the halls. Moments that feel so familiar and yet are impossible. They have to be. And here it is, happening again. I'm trying to fight it, but these old wounds, it's hard not to let it get to you, y'know? What am I saying? Of course you do…
24.04.2022.23.06: Sorry for my last message. And for burdening you like this. What I'm doing is so selfish. I hope you'll forgive me.
24.04.2022.23.09: Also sorry that I say sorry so much.
During a period where nothing particular was happening, apart from the continued countdown on Twitch, the information page got a small touch-up in terms of formatting, along with the following message posted on the top of the page:
25.04.2022.04.52: I can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing. It means everything to me. I was feeling a little helpless, so I organized this Repository a bit. Hopefully it’s easier to follow everything that’s happened so far. Remember, we need to save what we can from the Zaramin data archives before the Void corrupts everything. We can do this.
The Twitch stream containing the countdown restarted suddenly, although nothing else has happened.
5 minutes before the timer was up, the stream started broadcasting a new TikTok video, which was simultaneously uploaded to the platform:
Subsequently, a tweet was published, with the following description and these four images of a game of Komi in different stages:
Roiling, moaning this realm of ours in madness, lost shall die.
Apart from this, checking the information page out, it can be seen that the content has been updated with a new message:
25.04.2022.10.55: 70696563657366616C6C696E67696E746F706C616365.7z
Once decoded from Hexadecimal, the name of the 7z-archive turns out to be "piecesfallingintoplace". Trying to open this archive, you'll be prompted for a password. This password turns out to be "Komi". Once opened, the content is revealed to be a set of 5 images. Four more images of a Komi board as well as a "Legend", showing information as to how these boards could be decoded to provide a message:
A modified version of the Legend is also provided below, containing approximate translations of each Orokin character for convenience.
The naming of these images suggests that there may be 16 Komi boards in total, which leaves another 8 to still be found. Three minutes later, a second Instagram post is made public, revealing another 4 komi boards, accompanied by the following description:
Roiling, m̷o̸a̷n̸i̴n̵g̸ ẗ̶̹́͠h̶̨͓͎͌͊i̵̡̗̓s̴̳̐͘ r̶͙͙͌e̵̛͉̾̂͋͆́̆å̷̢̢̹̙̎̂̈́̚̚͝l̴̟̩͑̽̚͝m̵̯͔̼͔̎͐ͅ ̶̡̫͚͖̗̦̇͝o̵̥͎̪͊̑̆f̷͔̈̽̋̈́̓̚ ̶͔̑̒͂͘͠o̵̦̼̫͑̈́̋͝u̷̧͈͇̮̫̟̠͐̇̊̓ŗ̸̬̫̯̞̃s̴̹͎̞̻̫̃̿͛̃ͅͅ ̶͔̏̀̏̊į̴̥̥̞̭̺̩̰͕͙͚̰̿̂̊̏̊̄̀̀͊ǹ̶̨̨̛͎͓͉̥̳̳̫̫͕̳̬̭̗̺̈͒̓͒̅͊̈́̍̑̔͑̈̚ ̸̛̬̮̣̈́͋̀̚m̴̢͉̣̗̪̈́̋͌̎̐̾̒̈́͊̿ả̷̬̰͓̞̺̱̜̮̬̱̣͚͈̦͊̇̂̀̐̌̈̀ͅd̸̨̛̦͚̯̰̝͕̝͍̲̱̤̝͚̬̽̾͊̂̋̂͑͐̂͊̎̓̕̚͜n̶̨̜̠̲͎̖̜̻͉̯̺͕̆̃͂̏̋̍̐̇̽͜ͅê̴͚̼̦̞̖͔̼̈́͛͋̔̃͗̑̂̓̓̿͘͝ş̴͓̠̤̮͉̩̪̮̩̭͚̹͛͒́̊̂̍̎̇̀̏̎͑̐͝ͅş̸̬̻͍͕͚͋̆̈́̉͋̍͘̚͠,̸̺̬̦̱̮̺̓̇̎̏͘̕̕ ̵̧͔̞̦̲̰̻͔̗̝͇͚̑̅̉́̈̇̕͜l̴̡̢̧̲͕̥͙̱͖̺̻̺̫̗̱̜̖̣̘͉̫̇̅̂̀̋̔̿̎͒̉͑̎̓̐̒̓̍̀̔̃̏̎̆̄͂̕̕͝͝͝ͅo̵̞̤͈̫͍̯̞͔͓̩̬̹̥͓͍̟̗̲̘̹̖̭̠̯͕̊̀̀̂̃̈́̈͌̆̇̕̕͝ͅͅs̴̛̫̗̞̙̤͚̲̀̇͊͌̓͒͆̀̋̈́̐̏͗̅̍͌͗͋̋͑̄͆̈͘͠͝ţ̴̢͍̠̱̜͙̻̳̜̳̗̩̳͚̗̥͔̺͇́̀̈́͊͑͂̽́̓̎͆͒̅̑̈́̿͛́͜͜ͅͅͅ ̶̢̢̛̩̝͔͍͇͈̹̦̤̳̠̲̙̲̣̘̙̥̙̳̹͓̗̻́͌͒̓̍͐̿̂̂̌̍̉̓̌͊͊͌̋͛͘͘̚͜͜͜͝͠s̷̨̧̤̬͓̘̭͙̯̱̩͙̙͎̬̝̫̩̭̩̦̻͇͇̺̯͎̳̈́̎̓̆̿̍̽̾̇͑̿͂̃̇̈́͐̅͛͊͆́̿͗̓̓͌̏̓͑̚̚ĥ̷̡̲̫͇̱̹̀̽͂͊̑́̈́̾͆́̿̂͐̂͑̎͗̕̚͠a̶̢̧̢̧̧̛̛̛̖̞͙̟͚̙͈͙̬̤͈̪͎̞̳̖̜̘̫͓̟̼͋̄̿̍̀̈͊͋͌́̐̽̈̔̆̈͌̀̓̽̑͗͌͘͘̚̕͜͝͝l̶̡͔̝̼̣̉͛͂͋̿͒̈̄̅̓̇̃̅̓̈̿̍̔̒̎́̈́̓̈̌̅͐̔͆̏͌̋̊ͅl̵̡̢͓͕͖̺̦͈͇̬̯̙͉͗͐̈́̾͑̈́͒̾̉͊͐̍̔̓̌̀̈́͘͘̕͝͠ ̵̨̨̘͙͇͙̝̳͎̖̫̮̞͚͎̞̭͇̝̯͉̩̬͇̪̤̮̜̲̙͇̳͒͌̔̈́̑̔̽́̈́͒̉̌͗̒̎̇͂͛̈́́͆̓̅͗̓̋̾͛̈́̕͘͝͝͝d̸̙̯̗̬͙̿̀̒͑̈̓̾̆́̓̎̎̉̈̒͋̀̕͘͠i̷̧̹̼̮͍͚͎̭̠̫̻̠̾̑̑̊͐͘͜ë̵̡̢̮̭͔̯͈̰̫̟̜̻̘́̓̇̊́̏̄͊̽͑̃͐̃̽́̐̌̍̓̓͝.̶̨̛̲͙͍͕͇̝͖͈̭̺͎̍̏́̅͒̔̃͛̊͋̍̿̈̐̇̔́̅̚͜͠
The countdown on unidentifiedsignal's Twitch stream has been completed, and the timer was replaced by the phrase "PASSWORD REQUIRED" in large red text.
A bit over 15 minutes after the timer has concluded, a Facebook post was publicized, containing the last 4 Komi boards:
At this point in time, there is no clear solution to these Komi boards. This step was rather solved thanks to the morse code provided by the Twitch stream at a later point.
After more than one hour has passed since all Komi boards have been released, morse code started playing on the stream, giving the following message:
After yet another hour the Komi puzzle is finally solved. The solution turned out to be "JURAN", which was approximated from the results of the following arrangement of the boards:
It is unclear whether "JURAN" was actually accepted as the answer since it has been tried a number of times before the ARG progressed to the next step.
It has been confirmed by a member of DE staff that it was at least intended to be the correct answer, as seen by these Discord messages.
As a response, the twitch stream changes once again, this time showing a degraded video feed of an unknown room with a frequently blinking light, producing even more morse code (credit to Hyped_Panda#2077 in the ARGrakata Discord:
A small figure, possibly a young child could also be seen periodically inside of the room:
The latest message was accepted, after which the stream switched over to showing a third log video. The stream was then turned offline. The third log was then promptly uploaded to Twitter, followed by a YouTube upload a few minutes later:
The information page is updated, now containing an additional link. This time redirecting to a text file named "SHALLOWGRAVES.txt":
S̸͈̤͇̲̙̦̎́̊̋͌̃̊͒̀́̋̏͑͊̔͊̒̐̏̈́̀H̴̡̢̢̡̰̟͇̜̝̞̥̤͎̹̜̠͍͓̞̯̗̰̠̀̇̌̄͌͘͜͜͜͠Ä̸̛̟͐̄̄̔͋̔͒̐͛̎͆̑́̇̍͝L̴̢̡̨̢̛͖̖̘̬̘͎̯̜͔̲̫̥̍́͛̐͐͑̌̃̒̈́͗͛̾̅̅̐̓̈̇̚͜͜ͅL̶̨̢̨͓͎͉͍̞̠̯̳̬̺͚̺̻̝̮͍͈͋́̓̏̒̊̚͜ͅǪ̴̲̖̥̙͖̼̙̙̲̭͙̲͍̩̉͗̓̍͜ͅẈ̴̢̰̮͎̜̗̩̗̪͓͑́͌̃͊̊͊̊̃̉̿̀̈̊̊̌̌̾͐̍̅̎͑͜͝ͅ ̶̨͙̜̭̳̮̦͚̙̗͙̰̦͛͊̈́͌̏̉̍̊̃̉͌̈̍ͅǦ̸̢̗̤̿̇̌̿́̄͗̐͋̍̋̓̅̑̍̚̕͘͘͝͠Ŗ̸̨͓̦̙͕̬̰̪̱͔̣̖̎̔̈́͗̓͆͋̏̓̈́͒̇̒͆̋̃̈̿͝͝Ą̷̨̺̦̗͍̜̹̘̯̥̭̹̻̤̙̼̱̭̝̥̳͖̀̉͗͆̾̅̽̀̋́̽͆͠͝V̶̨̨̡̧̘͙̝̩͖̰̝̻̭̞͉̹͍̹͕̓̓̒̄͜E̶̛̻̩̺̦̻̝̱͆̑̏̔͆̅̿̽̌̅̚̚͜͝S̶̡̢̢̲̰̖̗̮̺̠̣̳̮̺̯̝͈̦̝̫̉̔́̒̓͂̑́̃̏̇̿͌͐͗̉̾͑̏̂̓͜ͅ
Once the text has been cleared of zalgo characters, it reads:
In the darkness deep and vast,
Viewing this text file, you'll be presented with ASCII art, as well as a sentence in latin:
Translating the latin (Abyssus accipit et abyssus dat) into english, you'll be presented with what appears to be a continuation of the text used as a link to this file:
The abyss receives and the abyss gives
The ASCII art is a depiction of graffiti that could be found during the TNW questline. This depiction is that of The Man In The Wall, as can be seen towards the end of the questline.
The information page is once again updated with another link, titled Ẁ̶̱̝̦̤ȩ̸͈͎̘̞̹̤̋̈͊̆ͅͅ ̴̦̪͙̥̳̲̄́̅͛̑̈́̕͘͠s̶̤͉̲͈̞͎͊͑̑ĩ̴͖͙̼̖͛̑͒͌̎̌͗͛n̴̦͇̝̲̼͇̳̪̾͋̄͌̏̑̆̈̀͝g̴͕̱͕͖̜̙͚̺̀̕͝͝ ̵̢̖̄͐̐͑̈͆̔̆̚͝a̷̻̱̤̺͛ͅ ̷̧̫͓̣̑l̷̛͙̩̠͒͊͗̾͒̓̏̋ȉ̵͇̬̥̟̩̖͍̈́̀̄̈́͌̀̄̽̀t̸͖͉͉̪͔̲͠t̷̘̠͒̑͐̈̓͂̎̑̕̕l̸͙̝̪͖̙̖̐͊̌͋̐̓̾̚e̶̘̖̮̣̹̱̟̓͜ ̷̼̩͓͚̭̘̲̋̊̏̓̈́͜s̵̨̺̖̲͖͕̖̋̿͐̃̉ȍ̷͉̹̽̀̉̉̀̏͝͠n̶̰̱̠̺͕̠̐̑g̵̛͙̳͇̯͖̈́̍͌́̔̈̕͜ͅ,̶̡̻̖̼̯̹̃̕ͅ. The link leads to a new PDF titled "IM_Z10_442M5_S.5-994.pdf":
IM_Z10_442M5_S.5-994.pdf can be found in it's original form on the Zariman Resources page.
The information page continues to get updates. Yet another PDF is made available through a link titled Ṱ̴̛̭ọ̸͓͊̋̀̕͘ ̶̏ͅṝ̶̠̝͖ě̵̢͔m̴̰͉̞̏͝ị̸͐̇̾͝ň̶̫͋͛d̶̦̟͍̂̈ ̴͓̋̇̿͠u̴͍̐s̸̞̀ ̴̛͇͈̬͉́̂̿o̷̺̖̔f̵̦̠̗̽̊͂̄͗ ̷͉̹̦̅̀͆̍͜ț̷̤̤̱̹̆̒ȟ̶̤̗̖͂͗͊̇e̶̖̺̰̮͛͋̔̾̌ ̷̡̛̻͈̓̌́͜͝p̴̢̠̟͇̙̈́͝ǎ̴̤̠s̶̲̬̭̹̻͊̂ṫ̸̲͖͗̆̅̀,̶̧̍̿. The PDF is titled "IM_Z10_767D2_D.2-354.pdf":
IM_Z10_767D2_D.2-354.pdf can be found in it's original form on the Zariman Resources page
Around three hours after the last PDF was published, yet another link has appeared on the information page, titled Ä̵̱́n̴̯͊d̸̫̈́ ̷̨͝ạ̸͑l̴̠̕ľ̸̞ ̵̡̈́t̸̨̽ḣ̷̟ä̸͎́t̸͈͆ ̷̣͝w̵̦̏ę̷͂'̷͕̌v̵̪̈e̵͇͊ ̶̳͐d̵̾ͅȍ̶̤ň̶͎e̶̙̚ ̵͈̍ẇ̴̗r̷̟͂ǒ̵̢ň̴̡g̸̲̈́. This link leads to a seventh TikTok:
Once the night is up, two short messages are uploaded to the information page within one minute of each other:
26.04.2022.09.10: This was all a mistake. Don't know what I expected digging up such s̶̫̎h̴̠̙̬̯̀̃͐ͅa̶̙̣͔̔̈́l̷̹͍̋̈́̃̏l̵̞̗̣̣̆͛͐̀͝ȏ̵̰̓́͑͝w̵̤̺̿͊̾͋̕͜ ̶̛͈̥̞̹̉͒̂ģ̷̻͚̹͖͂̃͘̚r̴̥͎̘͐͊̈́͒͑ͅa̷̩͋̏͋̇̋v̵̬̈́̍͘ͅë̸̦͔̥͓́̈́s̷͚̘̒̂̄͘.̷̜̣̇
26.04.2022.09.11: Sorry. I'm trying my best.
The first clue of the day comes in the form of another TikTok video:
After checking the transmission, going on to the information page, a new message can be seen:
26.04.2022.13.30: IM_Z10_584P4_F.5-222
As seen above, the message only contains the link to a 7-zip archive. Extracting the contents reveals a new PDF as well as a WAV sound file:
The 7zip archive, PDF and WAV-file are all available in their original formats on the Zariman Resources page.
The PDF appears to be an unfinished message, between two individuals named Mykos F.5 and Brack. Brack appears to have been in the process of finishing the Message.wav file, when contact was cut.
The file in question appears to consist of two distinct notes being used to relay a message. The sound itself is 4:39 long. Apart from that, checking the file size of this WAV-file, it appears to be unusually large. Opening the file up in DeepSound reveals two new PDF files, IM_Z10_234Q8_0..pdf and IM_Z10_234Q8_0.2.pdf:
The first PDF gives a clue to a key, stating that it is where the both of the individuals grew up, which apparently is somewhere on Venus. The second PDF consists of what seems to be a vigenere cipher. Checking the available nodes on Venus in-game resulted in the discovery of the key, which turned out to be "kiliken". Once decoded, the message reads:
"The satellite array is an independent system that receives commands from the communicati ons terminal in the bridge. Technically teis is a closed loop, Yut I found some older Yits of firmware teat have the required transfer protocol. I've patched it into an obsolete commun ication program we can use. It's pretty clever, you can basically talk to the Satellite system directly.
Here's the information you need to to the Satellite irc://ircnet
You'll need to fsnd tee proper channel. You'll know it when you see it. The satellste interface will get you instructions on weere to upload the broaacast file."
A number of minutes later, yet another message was uploaded to the information page, once again containing only a link to the new file:
26.04.2022.13.44: IM_Z10_584P4_F.5-134
A log of all important messages from the @SAT_INT_Z10 is available on the Zariman Resources page.
Using all of the newly gathered information, joining the IRCNet network, and joining the #SAT_INT_ZARIMAN channel, the following message is initially seen:
Next step is to generate an image out of the provided WAV-file by using the specifications mentioned in IM_Z10_584P4_F.5-134.pdf.
If incorrect coordinates are provided, the following message can be seen:
Community members have been able to produce a 23x73 image out of the set of notes contained in the WAV. The following image in the expandable has been created by Discord user gigamicro#4831 on the official Discord:
A single PDF file was once again uploaded to the information page:
26.04.2022.14.43: Z10-0 VIP WELCOME LETTER
This PDF is available in it's original form on the Zariman Resources page.
The PDF appears to contain a boilerplate informational message to new passengers, although with key details redacted.
[14:52] <mordeth> EARTH RA 2h 42m 41s | Dec -0° 0′ 48″ [14:52] <@SAT_INT_Z10> COORDINATES ACCEPTED... [14:52] <@SAT_INT_Z10> ALIGNING SATELLITE [14:53] <@SAT_INT_Z10> SATELLITE ALIGNED. [14:53] <@SAT_INT_Z10> SATELLITE AIMING AT EARTH RA 2h 42m 41s | Dec -0° 0′ 48
The coordinates were partly procured by looking at the bottom part of the deciphered WAV image, where a representation of the Solar System could be seen. Out of all planets, the third in order from the Sun stood out, turning out to be a representation of the Earth:
The second part of the coordinates provided, were the coordinates for the Messier 77 galaxy: 2h 42m 41s | Dec -0° 0′ 48″
(left part being the right ascension, and the right being declination).
This was deducted from the fact that the VIP Welcome Letter PDF specifically mentioned a complimentary portrait of Albrecht Entrati, which could be tied to the cardboard cutouts of said portrait that several Warframe Content Creators received. Said portrait had "M77" inscribed on Albrechts mask. This was discovered by user Kiri#9773 in the ARGrakata Discord.
The name of the encrypted channel mentioned above, once put through a ROT-47 decipherment, turned out to be a US Phone Number. Only one called could be handled at a time.
Note that the phone number below is a US number. if you want to call it, ensure that you use the appropriate country code with it if you call from outside the U.S. Keep in mind that this number may only be in temporary use, and may be discarded once the ARG is over.
Once called a message could be heard, asking for a message to broadcast.
After calling the number, Discord user Riku#6334 played the sound from Message.wav, to which the bot on the other end responded with "Message accepted". Shortly after, the IRC chat once again came to life with new ASCII art being transmitted:
Once the ASCII art was fully transmitted, it could be seen that the poem that was revealed through out the ARG had one last line:
We shall not fear to take the leap, Across the gulf to fare, Though all between is dark and deep, A home awaits us there.
Responding to the eighth TikTok with the last phrase unlocked the ninth, and last TikTok:
A few minutes after the last TikTok video was uploaded, Log 4 was made available on YouTube:
In the description of the video, a short message can be seen:
This is the end: https://wrfr.me/sos
Shortly thereafter, all social media accounts for Warframe uploaded the last log, together with the same message, notifying that the ARG has officially concluded.
Links to social media posts:
The ARG has been confirmed to be over, thanks to DE staff member Steven Messner (alternate src).
Some of the information on this page may still be incorrect or missing, and will be updated when necessary.
The following sources were used to bring all of this information together:
WF ARG - What we know - Orpheusdeluxe - A majority of the information provided here has been taken from this Google Document.
ARGrakata Discord Server - A lot of discussions and active deciphering of new content takes place here. Frequent updates regarding the ARG
#open-comms on official Play Warframe Discord - Official medium for discussions regarding this ARG